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High PR Free Gov and Edu Forums 2017 For Backlinks

This post centres on high PR Gov and Edu Forums/Sites for Backlinks or link building 2015. Previously, i shared how to get quality backlinks from high pr dofollow directory submission sites , gave a list of  high PR dofollow backlink sources and high pr dofollow forums 2015. Unlike these sites listed earlier that have either .com or .org domain extensions , .gov and .edu sites give more authoritative backlinks.  .Gov backlinks are links to your site from pages on governmental websites which have .gov domain extension and .edu backlinks are links to your site from pages on educational websites which have .edu domain extensions . Since search engines give more value to these  governmental and educational sites,  getting backlinks from .edu or .gov sites can be quite rewarding because it increases the page rank of your site at a faster pace. Most people want to know how to get high pr .edu and .gov dofollow backlinks, but getting backlinks from these sites is hard and can also be time consuming. Following the guidelines below, the process of  getting dofollow and high page rank backlinks from educational and government sites is made easy.

High PR Gov & Edu Backlinks List 2016
Some high PR .edu and .gov forums sites list been given below. Register on these sites and create a profile page. In your profile page, add a link to your site where it's specified 'website' or in your biography/signature. This will enable you to get backlinks from high page rank forums and increase blog's traffic.

·                     http://mgl.scripps.edu/forum/
·                     http://nfp.marquette.edu/forum/
·                     http://www.neuron.yale.edu/phpbb/viewforum.php?f=37
·                     http://geoweb.rsl.wustl.edu/community/
·                     https://www.educause.edu/user/register
·                     http://community.nicic.gov
·                     http://homelessness.samhsa.gov/http://directorsblog.health.azdhs.gov/
·                     http://libfe.cshl.edu/wp/vb/register.php?s=50cb1704a7da9ad5b9431254d0a94b53

High PR EDU & GOV Comment Sites

Comment meaningfully on the high PR Edu and Gov sites below. Try not to spam them, some are commentluv enabled sites. For the ones without the commentluv plugin, in the space provided for website, add a link to an internal page on your blog. You can get dofollow and nofollow backlinks from them. 

High PR 7 .Gov Sites
·                      http://blogs.extension.org/militaryfamilies/2015/04/06/national-child-traumatic-stress-network-honoring-our-babies-toddlers/#respond
·                     http://directorsblog.nih.gov/2015/04/07/repurposing-an-old-drug-for-alzheimers-disease/
·                     http://blog.epa.gov/healthywaters/2015/04/the-safe-drinking-water-act-a-playbook-for-public-health-protection/
·                     http://blog.hud.gov/index.php/2015/04/07/housing-discrimination-hivaids-illegal/
·                     http://nnlm.gov/scr/blog/2015/04/02/michael-e-debakey-library-services-outreach-award-2/

High PR 6 .Gov Sites
·                     https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2015/04/03/all-about-the-commercial-crew-logo-2/
·                     http://public-blog.nrc-gateway.gov/2015/04/06/nrc-your-community-the-video/
·                     http://directorsblog.health.azdhs.gov/annual-poster-contest-helps-teach-kids-to-be-sun-safe/
·                     http://today.lbl.gov/2015/04/03/april-7-speech-recognition-brown-bag-session/

High PR 5 Gov Sites
·                     http://www.insidecdcr.ca.gov/2015/04/depression-alcoholism-are-topics-for-aprils-wellness-     newsletter/
·                     http://www.dahp.wa.gov/blog/2015/04/historic-gig-harbor-vessel-recorded-for-historic-american-engineering-record/

High PR 8 .Edu Sites
·                     https://www.purdue.edu/exploratory/right-track/pase-breakfast-with-bosses-april-9/#respond
·                     http://www.utexas.edu/know/2015/04/03/orange-tower-celebrates-geoforce/

High PR 7 .Edu Sites
·                     http://blogs.library.duke.edu/rubenstein/2015/04/03/abcs-john-hope-franklin-h-honorary-degrees/
·                     http://libraries.ucsd.edu/blogs/blog/greendiy/
·                     http://www.hawaii.edu/news/2015/04/07/new-novel-ram-2050-a-ramayana-epic-for-the-furture/
·                     http://library.osu.edu/blogs/osulstaff/2015/04/02/cfbrr-is-seeking-award-nominations/

High PR 6 .Edu Sites

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